25. Once all return envelopes have been opened, the scrutineers shall then count the votes in the presence of the officer.
The vote count shall be public.
The officer shall cancel any ballot paper that(1) has not been provided by the officer;
(2) does not bear the initials of the officer;
(3) has not been marked;
(4) has been marked in favor of more candidates than the required number;
(5) has been marked in favor of a person who is not a candidate;
(6) has been marked elsewhere than in the spaces provided for that purpose;
(7) bears fanciful or injurious entries;
(8) bears a mark by which the voter can be identified.
The officer shall cancel a ballot paper by writing “Void” on it and initialing the paper. The number of rejected ballot papers shall be noted on the vote count report provided for in section 26.